What is organic fertilizer? Environmentally friendly organic fertilizers feed soil micro-organisms, which are very beneficial for plants, while also improving soil structure.

Under normal conditions, the nutrients that plants need are found in the soil. Although the plant can directly access some of these nutrients; it cannot reach the other part in its unbroken form.

In organic fertilizers, living organisms in solid or liquid form break down these elements that the plant needs and remain unbroken in the soil, releasing them and combining them with the plant.

What does organic fertilizer do?

organic fertilizers; It is an important source of plant nutrients and a soil conditioner in agriculture.

These environmentally friendly fertilizers feed soil micro-organisms, which support plant root development and improve soil structure.

Organic fertilizers that increase the soil’s ability to retain water and nutrients, improve the soil and reduce soil loss due to rain and wind.

Even after plants receive the nutrients they need, organic fertilizers continue to improve the soil. With the increase in the period of use of organic fertilizers; along with improving soil composition and texture; Plants grown in this soil are stronger and healthier.

Organic fertilizers are friendly to nature as they are made from natural materials such as plant and animal waste.

Organic Fertilizer

  • Increases the number of microorganisms in the soil.
  • It increases the nutritional value of the soil and accelerates the growth of plants.
  • Regulates soil ph value.
  • It can be used in every period of the factory.
  • Supports plant root development.
  • Increases the water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Accelerates the rate of seed germination.
  • This reduces the need for watering.
  • Increases product quality and shelf life.

We can collect organic fertilizers under 5 main headings like animal manure, humic acid, green manure, compost and peat.

Now let’s introduce them one by one.

Animal manure:

These are fertilizers rich in organic matter derived from a mixture of straw or bedding materials, usually pet feces and urine. Farm animals excrete most of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the food they eat in their feces. For this reason, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are in organic form in animal manure.

Animal manures, rich in organic matter, increase the water absorption and storage capacity of the soil, prevent erosion and help maintain soil structure.

Much of the potassium and nitrogen in fertilizer can be lost through leaching if the material is exposed to precipitation before field application. To prevent loss and leaching of these nutrients, manure should be collected in pits and spread over fields as soon as possible.

Green manure:

Green manuring is the process of growing these plants for their beneficial effects on the soil and subsequent crops, and then plowing these plants into the soil with agricultural machinery.

When carrying out this process, it is more profitable in terms of productivity to give preference to leguminous plants with abundant green parts (alfalfa, soybean, esfort, fig, etc.). Through this process, the physical condition of the soil improves, nutrient loss decreases and the amount of organic matter increases. In addition, this method allows the plant to meet with nitrogen.

The planting process is usually done in the fall, and the soil is plowed in the spring before the summer crop is planted.

Humic acid:

This acid, also called humus, is an organic substance obtained from decaying plant or animal waste and plays an important role in plant growth.

Humic acids help improve soil structure; increase the ability of plant roots to absorb nutrients in light and sandy soils; allows the roots to get better water and oxygen in heavy and dense soils.

Promotes plant growth by regulating soil pH; In addition to productivity and quality, it also increases the rate of germination in seeds.

Increases the ability of the roots to absorb Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Iron (Fe) and Zinc (Zn) nutrients, thus increasing productivity.

Protects groundwater.

It helps make plants resistant to pests by increasing the effectiveness of herbicides, pesticides and fungicides.


The organic fertilizer obtained as a result of the decomposition and decomposition of plant and animal waste is called compost.

The use of compost is especially important in organic farming. Compost improves the structure of the soil, supports the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil and helps in the formation of essential nutrients for plants.

The effect of compost on soil structure usually occurs after several years of use.

Composts generally contain about 2 percent nitrogen, 0.5 to 1 percent phosphorus, and approxn Contains 2 percent potassium. Composts are often applied in large quantities due to their relatively low nutrient content.

In addition to improving soil structure, compost retains soil moisture and increases productivity, while regulating soil pH and increasing beneficial soil microorganisms.


This material, also known as peat soil, is an organic material formed as a result of years of decomposition of plants growing in lakes, swamps, and similar flooded lands as they sink to the bottom of the water and are cut off from air contact.

As a soil conditioner, peat is organic and can be used for growing all types of plants. In addition to keeping the soil moist, peat ensures a regular flow of water and fertilizer to the plant.

Peat material, which does not contain plant nutrients, is generally used for growing potted ornamental plants and seedlings.

Organic Liquid Fertilizer:

Fertilizers that contain nutrients needed by plants in organic and liquid form are called organic liquid fertilizers.

Since it is applied directly to the root zone or the leaf part of the plants, the plant reaches the organic substances in the fertilizer quickly and easily.


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