Urea Brand B Socar 40 kg


Urea Brand B / SOCAR 40 kg fertilizer

  • According to the report, the mass share of nitrogen in the dry residue, %, should not be less than 46.2
  • Mass share of biuret, %, should not be more than 1.4
  • Mass share of water, %, should not be more than 0.3
  • Total – 0.5
  • Dispersion, % – 100
  • Grain sizes, %: mass fraction of grain sizes, mm – 94
  • 2 to 4, not less than 70
  • No less than 1, no more than – 3
  • Residue on sieve, 6 mm, should not be more – None
  • Statistical strength of grains, MPa in grains (kg / cm2), should not be less than – 1.4 (14)or 1 in terms of granularity, N, (kgf) – 7 (0.7)

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